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Tuesday 9 October 2012

Evaluation of Callum's analysis of the film Psycho

Callum has firstly gone into great into about the sound. From reading his analysis on sound I can see how the director uses the sound such as the non-diagetic sound to grab the readers attention. Callum has gone into detail by giving examples from the title sequence which has helped me as I now have a more advanced insight as I can view the examples myself. Another thing which I think Callum has described well and has successfully taught me is the darkness in a scene is symbolic as it connotes things associated with death an crime. This will help us as a group as if we want to present things like death and crime we will have to think of what type of lighting we are going to use to achieve an effect on the audience. Overall, I think Callum has done very well in analysing this thriller movie as I can tell by reading through his writing he has fully understood what each technical aspect of the media does. Example, when he says "As you can see in the screenshot it's of an extreme long shot, this implies that the whole city may be involved about the future events.". If I was to give Callum any advice of what to do to improve his knowledge and understanding I think he should look at the camera shots and angles in more detail. However, Callum has successfully built and added to my knowledge. 

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